Monday, February 1, 2016

My favorite Clinique products and why..

Today is the first day of February 2016, how exciting!  I am too ready for Spring and flowers, the sun, warmth, Easter, plants, lower electric bills (lol) and lighter clothing!  Today I really just wanted to blog out some of my favorite products that I work with everyday and use on myself, break them down and show you just WHY I love them!!  This is not a sales pitch at all, but in the event that you would like to try the products I am discussing today you can have them sent straight to your doorstep through me. Just private message me or comment below! 
My very first FAVORITE product is Cliniques 7 day scrub...
Cliniques 7 day scrub is a creamy formula with small granules and is to be used daily to lightly exfoliate dead skin cells and daily dirt, oil and impurities. The reason I LOVE this product is because it is so light but yet SO EFFECTIVE!  My skin always feels so clean, fresh and ready for each day after I use this product!! 

Ok, my second fave is Clinques Moisture Surge Line...
But the most out of the line 
This mask has saved my life lol!! It is a rich, silky, hydrating mask that you smother on before bed and sleep in.  Cliniques Moisture Surge Mask leaves my skin so hydrated, plump, quenched, radiant and soft!  This mask has worked miracles during this winter skin depression!

Third favorite and last for today's post is Cliniques Clarifying Lotion #3...
You will honestly never believe how much dirt, oil and impurities enter your skin each and every day!  After removing your makeup, washing your face, you still have it and this step in my daily routine has also changed my life!  It removes DEEP dirt, oil and impurities that your face wash can't reach and it shows up on your cotton ball or pad.  All I can say about this one is TRY IT and you'll never look back.  I also use #1 when I do my chemical peels because it is for very dry skin.  Number 3 is for Oily Combination. 

{ Clinique has 4 different numbered Clarifying Lotions depending on your skin type so all may not be #3 but regardless of what number you are this will also save your skins life. }

So last product that I want to share is not Clinique but it is BOMB and has changed my life as well lol!  ShiSeido Facial Cotton...
Oh my goodness, these facial cotton pads are 100% cotton and after using them you will be amazed.  I love this product because they are SO SOFT & gentle on your skin.  Absolute luxury. 

Lots of love and Happy FEBRUARY!!!!