Thursday, July 30, 2015

Clean and Simple.

     I have found within myself, most all of my teenage years and through today that I have always been interested in skin care and beauty.  I cannot write that I am GREAT at it but I can write and say that within the past 13 years I have tried multiple different skin care lines, regimens, DIY facials, professional chemical peels, at home chemical peels and lots lots more!!  I also have studied cosmetology in which Ive learned more in depth theory behind it all.  SO, I say that to BRING TO YOU a few suggestions for your skincare that may help you! 
     A lot of times people think about uneven skin complexion, fine lines, large pores, dry skin etc. and they think EXTREMES in which we scrub our faces everyday, cleanse 3-5 times a day OR we use products that are actually dehydrating to the skin, we have dry skin and so what do we do? we slather on the thickest cream we can find day and night hoping to end up with that healthy glow!  All of the above I can assure will fuel your problematic areas even MORE!  With oily skin, you still need moisture, with dry skin you still need cleanser twice a day, its all about the PRODUCTS you use!
     I suggest going and getting a skin analysis done or face mapping done, this can help you become a little more aware of your complexion and skin type and is usually free at any makeup counter and or cosmetic/skin care store such as ULTA or SEPHORA.

  Below is just a little something I googled and wanted to show JUST to bring to your mind some things that are REALITY when it comes to skin care for yourself, your children and the people around you!
     Here are a few common ingredients in many items you can purchase at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc.  I ENCOURAGE you to take an extra glance at ingredients before you actually put them in your grocery cart/basket.

     There are a few sources/websites at the bottom left hand of that flyer if you want to read into it further!  I also wanted to suggest a few name brands that are great for your skin and that I have personally tried... ZO Skin Health by (ZEIN OBAGI M.D.) (BORBA skincare) less expensive include (CETAPHIL cleanser/moisturizer) (CERAVAE) !
     Again, skin care is very important and if you use a bar of soap on your face day and night I guarantee in 10 years your face is going to show signs of it.  Take care of the skin you are in and be proud of who God made you !


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