I am blogging today about hair health and growth.
Now, before I seem a little overly knowledgeable I just want to reassure you I am doing this for the beautification of this country and people. LOL
SO, the reason for this post is not to disrespect your way of taking care of your hair it is simply to help you in knowledge of what is actually happening to your strands.

THE VERY UGLY TRUTH about non professional and un natural hair care products... *scary music* ! The truth is that the price of your products may only be $6.00 out of your pocket but what does that make the quality of your hair? Ok so, the saying goes "You get what you pay for" AND I completely agree and not to just agree but I have facts and knowledge on why I agree. INGREDIENTS> First things first, a healthy strand of hair pulled from the scalp looks shiny and completely consecutive in strength meaning, no splits, flyaway, raggedy edges or dryness. ALSO meaning, tugging a bit without it breaking and the elasticity of your strand allows it to bounce back to its original position. Have I made myself clear? Yes, a healthy head of hair consists of ALL OF THESE THINGS. Test your hair andddddd GO, good luck because most people do not have all of the above. For one reason or another most women find themselves having overly dry, porous hair or weak, lifeless hair that is unhealthy and unmanaged. The very first reason is the products you are using, point blank period. If you are using drug store products I can open your eyes to what each wash is actually doing to your hair.

When you get into your steamy, warm shower the cuticles of each hair strand are expanded and opened. In drug store shampoos and conditioners there are a lot of filler products such as sulfate and waxes and is what allows for the product to be sold at a significantly lower retail price. NOW, as your cuticle is expanded and you begin that shampoo process, each strand of hair is being cleansed with extremely stripping ingredients ...you then begin to rinse which is usually with warmer water keeping the cuticle opened and proceeding to condition which (if non professional) is also filled with fillers and wax further entering into each strand of the hair cuticle. Uh OH! After rinsing and getting out of the shower, the cold air hits your hair strands and closes up that cuticle and you are left with waxed up strands day after day after day until eventually you have breakage all throughout your head of hair, flyaways, dullness, and heaviness all from this wonderfully cheap product!

I don't write with negative news without a positive solution lol. I want to share my hair care routine to help you understand how to properly manage and maintain healthy hair. About 11 months ago I had to make the decision to completely chop my hair off because of damage, dryness, breakage and down right awful hair due to overly using chemical products.
This is a picture of my hair about 11 months ago CHOPPED off and ever since then I have treated my hair like a little bitty baby in need of TLC. I have found several little tweaks to maintaining my routine one of them being SHEA MOISTURE products. I fell in love with this brand because the products are all natural, moisturizing and you can find them at CVS or Walgreens ranging from $10 - $20, they do not claim that professional stamp (I don't think) but if a product does claim professional be SURE to only purchase from a salon or spa. Keep in mind that I could use any professional brand I liked because I get it at discounted rates but I am CHOOSING to use the SHEA MOISTURE line out of pure luxury for my hair, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! I wash my hair every other day and every 3rd wash I use Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three. Shampoo Three is a deep cleansing shampoo and it really gets into the pores of the scalp to really clean out dirt, oil, and gunk, it is also inexpensive. I have also started taking vitamin supplements for my hair but what I really want to encourage is for you to maybe expand just a BIT on your budget for hair care and try a routine like mine for a month and compare the difference it will make on your hair!
I have a very real story I want to share about myself long before I went to school to be a cosmetologist. The story starts with me being blonde and choosing an expensive salon/spa to treat myself to the "best" hair care RIGHT? I mean, I was paying an arm and a leg I just had to be getting what was best for my hair? WRONG!! I was heavily highlighted blonde and because of this my hair was dry and damaged. My hairdresser would take my highlights ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH every single time I had my touch up appointment (which was every 5 weeks) FRYING MY HAIR with lightner and NEVER following up with an at home prescription or routine to help me keep up maintenance on my hair health. She had to be the WORLDS WORST HAIRDRESSER alive. I am getting angry just thinking about it lol. SO, if your hairdresser is like what I have just explained MY suggestion would be to DITCH HER (OR HIM) as quickly as possible and find someone who TRULY cares about your beauty, self-esteem and the integrity of your hair.
OK OK, thats all I can take for today folks, I hope this reaches someone and helps them take better care of themselves!